
Showing posts from August, 2023

earnings per internet

  money online nowadays There are various ways to make money online nowadays, including freelancing, online tutoring, content creation, affiliate marketing, selling products or services, and participating in online surveys or market research. The method you choose will depend on your skills, interests, and the time you're willing to invest. here are some websites and platforms where you can explore opportunities to make money online, as well as some resources for learning: Websites for Online Work: Upwork (Freelancing): Fiverr (Freelancing): Freelancer (Freelancing): Teachable (Online Courses): Udemy (Online Courses): Coursera (Online Courses): Amazon Mechanical Turk (Microtasks): Swagbucks (Paid Surveys): Online Learning Resources: Khan Academy: edX: Codecademy (Coding Courses): Skillshare: www.skillsha

English Grammar-verb tenses

  the 12 verb tenses in English Simple Tenses: Present Simple: Used for general truths and habits. Example: "She reads books." Past Simple: Used for completed actions in the past. Example: "They played soccer." Continuous Tenses: 3. Present Continuous: Used for ongoing actions in the present. Example: "I am eating dinner." Past Continuous: Used for actions in progress in the past. Example: "She was studying all night." Perfect Tenses: 5. Present Perfect: Used for actions that started in the past and continue into the present. Example: "He has lived here for five years." Past Perfect: Used for actions that happened before another action in the past. Example: "She had already eaten when I arrived." Perfect Continuous Tenses: 7. Present Perfect Continuous: Used for actions that started in the past, continue into the present, and may continue into the future. Example: "They have been working on the project." Past Perfect

English-Present Perfect Tense

 Present Perfect Basics and more Present Perfect Tense: The Present Perfect tense is used to describe an action or event that happened in the past but has a connection to the present. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" followed by the past participle of the main verb. Positive Form: Subject + have/has + past participle Negative Form: Subject + have/has + not + past participle Question Form: Have/Has + subject + past participle? Here are some examples to illustrate these forms: Positive Form: I have eaten lunch. She has finished her homework. They have traveled to Europe. Negative Form: I have not seen that movie. He has not visited his parents. We have not received the package. Question Form: Have you studied for the test? Has he finished his work? Have they been to that restaurant before? Remember, the auxiliary verb "have" is used with plural subjects (I, you, we, they), and "has" is used with singular subjects (he, she, i

English grammar- peculiarities in the use of the definite article

  Definite Article Usage The definite article "the" is used to refer to a specific noun that both the speaker and listener are familiar with. Some peculiarities include: Unique Items: "The" is used when referring to something that is one-of-a-kind or unique, like "the sun" or "the President." Superlatives: "The" is often used with superlatives to refer to the highest or lowest degree of something, like "the best" or "the worst." Specific Nouns: "The" is used when both the speaker and listener know which specific noun is being referred to, such as "the book we talked about." Defining Clauses: "The" is used before a noun when it has been introduced or defined in the conversation, like "the cat that I adopted." Famous Objects: "The" is used with certain famous objects or landmarks, such as "the Eiffel Tower" or "the Mona Lisa." Ordinal Numbers: "