river of consciousness

 my (approach to) spirituality has nothing to gain and nothing to lose;  you just have to know.  The benefits are useless because you have no form.  Throw away everything you understand.  To know the Self, just keep quiet and discriminate.  You are not the body;  you are not consciousness.  The one who says, "I am not the consciousness," must be you alone.  All we need to know is that consciousness comes with the body and eventually forgets that it is.  There is no such thing as death.  How can you be a transient consciousness?  Krishna says, "I am knowledgeable in all manifestations.  I am everywhere.  All manifestations are My manifestations. '  This is a river of consciousness.  The sages speak of the One who speaks.  When you wake up in the morning, the holy gaze of God comes to you unexpectedly.  When you realize your manifestation, you will understand that what is happening is so only by This.  Hold on to consciousness.  There is no God but this.  Knowledge is in your Self.  It is best received by listening.  It is of the utmost importance.  The Lord in you is trapped in concepts.  He becomes free by listening.  This removes all obstacles.  Man is bound by bodily consciousness.  Listening interrupts identification with the body.  Be convinced that the consciousness within you is the movement of the Guru.  The feeling of "I am" comes when you wake up.  Consciousness arises.  God manifests as your sense of "I am."  You have made it difficult for Him to believe that He is the body.  Your consciousness is your true essence.  Surrender to consciousness.  (This is non-dual devotion. This is true meditation. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and motionless. Observe you're being with a passive mind until you forget your bodily consciousness.) Countless existences are nothing but a manifestation of your consciousness.  You accept yourself as the nature of the body.  Does the power of consciousness make you believe that?  Maya and God coexist.  They are not separate.  In yoga, they carry prana to the cerebral cortex (through breathing exercises).  The greatest yoga, however, is the knowledge of the Self.  The word of the Guru is the perfect manifestation of God.  Only the enlightened can speak of Self-realization.  It is possible only when the words of the Guru are followed: "you are formless, formless, pure consciousness."  The five elements are clean and clean.  Atman is the result of the unity of the five elements.  Join the blue shade of Absolute.  You can call it an idol or an ocean;  whatever you choose will be this.  There is no feeling of bliss in samadhi.  The joy is felt after the end of samadhi.  You have to get to the point where the word Guru is never forgotten.  Different foods, due to different qualities, have different effects on the mind.  The graduate student is recommended to take a simple meal in the initial stage.  Ultimately, you need to realize that your true nature is not affected by the quality of your food.  The steady-state is without birth.  The native has movement.  Keep remembering the Self, then all conflicts will disappear and lead to silence.  This is the greatest worship.  No experience will stain you.  I all see and feel only myself.  This is the knowledge "I am".  The self is beyond thought.  The first dawn of wakefulness in the morning is without words.  We are before every word.  The power of prana is the primary yeast.  When one diligently follows the words of the Guru, all difficulties are resolved.  Keep the words "I am pure Brahman."  With stubborn devotion that will become Parabrahman.  !!!  MEDITATIONS with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.


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