
Showing posts from September, 2021

river of consciousness

 my (approach to) spirituality has nothing to gain and nothing to lose;  you just have to know.  The benefits are useless because you have no form.  Throw away everything you understand.  To know the Self, just keep quiet and discriminate.  You are not the body;  you are not consciousness.  The one who says, "I am not the consciousness," must be you alone.  All we need to know is that consciousness comes with the body and eventually forgets that it is.  There is no such thing as death.  How can you be a transient consciousness?  Krishna says, "I am knowledgeable in all manifestations.  I am everywhere.  All manifestations are My manifestations. '  This is a river of consciousness.  The sages speak of the One who speaks.  When you wake up in the morning, the holy gaze of God comes to you unexpectedly.  When you realize your manifestation, you will understand that what is happening is so only by This.  Hold on to consciousness.  There is no God but this.  Knowledge is

Let it go and reach new place

  Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our hearts, we still cling to anything—anger, anxiety, or possessions — we cannot be free. Letting go means being willing to allow life to carry you to a new place, even a deeper more true rendition of self. Holding on means trying to push life into the place of your making or be damned.

"The longest journey of any person is the journey inward." Yoga

 It all depends on you. You can go on sleeping forever, you can wake up right this moment. ~Osho Strive to understand things to understand them but on a deeper or finer level.~Aayana Aayat Uma Today, you can decide to walk in freedom. You can choose to walk differently. You can walk as a free person, enjoying every step. ~Thich Nhat Hanh Observe yourself, be mindful.~Aayana Aayat Uma Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again and you will be filled with joy. ~Buddha Recognize the goodness in you, think, and do good things.~Aayana Aayat Uma Taking time to discover yourself is the best use of time. Prioritize this. ~Mooji Who are you? Ask again and again in a deep calmness...~Aayana Aayat Uma Love everything because it’s all part of the Self. ~Robert Adams First Discover for what and how you can love yourself and everything will be fine.~Aayana Aayat Uma If you want the truth, I’ll tell you the truth: Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. ~Kabir On

Find always something new for you

 What is knowledge... processes for the acquisition of knowledge-understanding and the awareness of more and more aspects of human existence. This develops societies and elevates man to new levels of daily life and unexpected development and transformation. Which amount of knowledge, however, gives a personal Evolution to each man woman child?.. The best achievements of man in this respect are: yoga, psychology, NLP, conversation, observation, reading, books, written, visualization, prayer, teaching, goodness, financial freedom, reciprocity, artificial intelligence, science, psychiatry, spirituality, goals, society, prediction, problem-solving tools, goals, creativity, realization. All this... from the knowledge, discoveries, teachings, reaches... turns man into a new kind. A person can not be a specialist in all these areas but from all these things can take something to improve his life and evolve to a more perfect self-making. Even a quick insight into all these things will give ben

17:17 Remember that your wisdom and your inner voice should be your guides to success in life

  take a look at your thoughts to make sure they are positive as possible through all of the circumstances... It is a revelation that you should always listen to your instincts. Communication is the key to good relations.  For the singles, this number comes as an encouragement that it is time to find love. Get rid of the fear of the unknown. Tune in to the voices in your head that tell you to go for what you want no matter the circumstances. Always start the day with positive affirmations. Positivity will go a long way in enabling you to achieve greatness. Take your time to analyze situations before you before making any decisions. Remember that your wisdom and your inner voice should be your guides to success in life Work on yourself and ensure that you do everything possible to make your dreams a reality. Follow your heart all the time because it will not lead you in the wrong direction. This is the time for you to achieve your set goals. You will achieve all the things you want to h

Observe the dream

 Get rid of outdated thoughts possession through conscious detachment - distancing,   separation from objects ideas situations people experiences, from any emotional attachment, to be able to quickly leave things and move on to continue growing... Just practice! During the day, observe what you think and feel and set aside, Before going to bed tell yourself :   "I observe dreams knowing that I am dreaming." Catch this moment of 'carried away'   before going to sleep consciously... By trying to do this on a regular basis for a longer period of time you will reach a finer dimension and discover in-depth information. Aayana Aayat Uma ~ AAU